Learn About Your Bankruptcy Options
When debt collectors refuse to cease their harassment and your savings continue to fall, you may feel overwhelmed by constant financial concerns. Unscrupulous payday loan companies may offer quick money to pay off debts, but the interest rates they charge can create even more problems. What you want is a long-term solution that can help you rebuild your credit and move on from this anxiety-filled situation.
Since 1993, Wilson, Stavros, Rowsey & Thomas has provided honest legal advice for Boyd County residents with debt matters. Our qualified bankruptcy attorneys* have over 25 years of combined legal experience in handling bankruptcy cases. As a result, we know which remedies to suggest to our clients based on their unique financial situations.
Contact us today at our Ashland office to learn which debt solutions can help you and your family.
We Can Help You Determine Which Chapter Is Right For You
Before you take legal action, it’s important to understand how your future may be affected by filing for protection. Both Chapter 7 and 13 offer protection against creditors and may stabilize your finances, but they manage debt in different ways.
Considerations To Keep In Mind When Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
People with limited income and assets may file Chapter 7 bankruptcy to erase their debts. Some of these debts include medical and credit card obligations, among others. To cover these debts, individuals may need to sell their assets. However, Kentucky bankruptcy laws protect certain assets or property from being made available to creditors.
Reorganizing Your Debt Through Chapter 13
People who file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy are able to keep their assets if they follow a court-approved plan to repay their debt. In addition to stopping creditor harassment, filing for Chapter 13 protection halts home foreclosures and repossessions. Taking this legal option may reduce overall debt and extend the time frame to pay off negotiated debt.
Let’s Work Together To Find A Beneficial Solution
There are many steps connected to filing bankruptcy petitions for both Chapter 7 and 13. If you do not have experience with this complex process, it is difficult to complete efficiently or effectively. When you choose to work with our qualified attorneys, we will set you on a path to help you regain your financial stability.
For your convenience, you can message us online, or reach us at 606-618-0929. Our lawyers provide free and confidential consultations.
*We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.