Do you dread opening the mail because you know there’s just going to be a new pile of bills you can’t pay in there? Do you hate the sound of your phone ringing because it’s always one more debt collector asking for money you don’t have?
Well, unfortunately, you now have one less place to retreat: Bill collectors can now stalk you on social media, slide into your direct messages and send you emails or texts to try to collect.
New rules have brought debt collection practices into the modern era
Debt collectors have to follow certain rules established by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) — and the CFPB has recently updated those rules to permit debt collectors to use email, text messages and social media to contact debtors.
A debt collector cannot post about your debts on your timeline or discuss your debts in a public forum — but nothing prevents them from messaging you privately. Similarly, while you can “opt out” of text messages and emails, you can’t prevent them from sending them to you in the first place.
This could put consumers who are struggling with their bills under even more stress than before. Increasingly, it’s becoming difficult to find any place you can go where you aren’t being hounded by unhappy creditors.
You can take steps to eliminate your debts and stop creditor harassment
All over the country, Americans are struggling with debts. Recent economic conditions aren’t making the situation any better for anyone. Bankruptcy protection exists for a reason — and that reason is to help good people get back on their feet after a bad situation.
If you’re ready to learn more about how bankruptcy can help you, talk to an experienced advocate right away.