New parents are generally very cautious when taking their child in the car. Yet despite this caution, they can still cause crashes that endanger not only themselves and their baby but others on the road. Here is why you should take extra care when you see a car with a...
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Month: September 2022
Are parents to blame if their teen crashes the car?
If a teenage driver crashes into you, you might question the parents. You might wonder if the parents were too lax on their children and did not instill respect for the rules. Regardless of what crosses your mind, it's the driver you need to blame. If they have a...
Can I prove an impaired driver caused my crash?
Too many people get behind the wheel when they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. When they do this, they endanger the lives of everyone around them. If you are in a crash with a driver who may be impaired, there are crucial signs to look for. Signs and...
Getting the most out of your bankruptcy discharge
The decision to file for bankruptcy can be hard to make. However, it is sometimes a necessity and the ideal solution to your problems. The best part about it is that you will get the rare chance of rebuilding your finances and getting back on your feet. When the dust...
Why 3 popular debt “solutions” do very little to actually help
Sometimes, taking on debt is necessary. You have more expenses than you anticipated for the month, or your income drops unexpectedly. Having revolving credit or a personal loan can allow you to pay your bills. Unfortunately, credit is easy to access and to misuse. A...
Reducing your student loan debt: 3 possibilities
During your college years, you most likely built up a ton of debt (unless you were given grants and awards). This debt can bite you hard once you graduate and you’re probably looking for ways to reduce it the best you can – before you’re hit with interest. While...