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Why should you embrace the best interests of children standard?

On Behalf of | Sep 1, 2023 | Divorce | 0 comments

The best interests of the child standard is a legal principle used to determine parenting time arrangements in a divorce or separation involving kids. Kentucky family courts use the standard to ensure parenting time agreements preserve kids’ physical and psychological well-being.

Many parents resist court involvement in matters related to their children. Although understandable, you should know that the best interests of the child principle is often the ideal way to protect them if your marriage falls apart.

What does it do for kids?

Contrary to common belief, family courts use the standard to preserve the integrity of the family unit even when the parents cannot remain married. It ensures children of divorce can spend quality time with each parent, helping them accept the divorce and maintain happy, healthy lives.

Other possible benefits of the standard for children include:

  • Preserves routine and stability for children
  • Protects the parenting time rights of both parents
  • Keeps children out of potentially dangerous living situations
  • Helps ensure children suffer as few harmful divorce effects as possible

If you feel uncertain about how to protect your children when divorcing, consider learning more about the best interests of the child standard.

What if it fails?

Of course, the custodial needs of some children and parents may fall through the cracks when courts decide or approve parenting plans. That is where legal guidance can serve your family’s interests.

Your representative can help you make a strong case for why you disagree with the court’s decision. If you realize your parenting time plan is not working after your divorce, your counsel can play a vital role in helping you submit a request to modify your arrangements.