Being in a tough financial situation can make it difficult to see things clearly. You may be feeling stressed due to constant contact from creditors, and this could lead you to make poor financial decisions because you are not in the right frame of mind to sit down,...
Experienced attorneys dedicated to providing effective, economic legal service to the community.
Month: January 2021
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How sleep-deprived drivers are similar to drunk drivers
You're probably well aware of how dangerous drunk driving and distracted driving are. Between driver education and community awareness programs, these dangerous driving habits are well-known issues. Fewer people recognize the risk of drowsy driving, in part because...
Could the next person who sends you a friend request on Facebook be a creditor?
Do you dread opening the mail because you know there’s just going to be a new pile of bills you can’t pay in there? Do you hate the sound of your phone ringing because it’s always one more debt collector asking for money you don’t have? Well, unfortunately, you now...