The roads in Kentucky can be hazardous at the best of times, and motor vehicle collisions frequently involve trucks. The aftermath of trucking accidents can be catastrophic, particularly when smaller vehicles are involved. Numerous factors may increase the chances of...
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Month: September 2021
What are the top benefits of choosing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy?
Even in times of overwhelming financial hardships, most people want to avoid filing bankruptcy. For many, this is the last resort to consider and only after every other resolution fails. Wanting to pay your debts is admirable, but it also makes sense to explore all...
What is the most common reason for bankruptcy?
Among many myths surrounding bankruptcy is the idea that those who end up filing have somehow caused their own financial problems or made avoidable mistakes that lead to bankruptcy. That may sometimes happen, but the reality is that the vast majority of bankruptcy...
Surprising facts about divorce in the United States
Are you contemplating a divorce? Whether it’s just started to cross your mind or you feel that a divorce is inevitable, it may help to learn more about the trends and statistics surrounding divorce. There are a lot of commonly held beliefs about divorce that are just...
Can your child choose not to live with you?
You’re getting a divorce, and you want time with your child. You know that the court tends to try to split custody between both parents, rather than preferring one over the other. That doesn’t worry you. What you’re concerned about is what your child will request....
How do you qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Kentucky?
When your debt reaches a point where you can’t pay all of your obligations every month, you will start to fall behind. Soon enough, creditors will send you threatening letters, try to repossess your vehicle or even file a lawsuit against you. Losing your vehicle or...