If you get into a collision with another person, do you know how your coverage will apply to your insurance? Will your car insurance cover you if you’re hurt but the other party doesn’t have enough coverage? What will happen if your vehicle is damaged beyond repair?
Knowing your insurance is vital. When you buy an insurance policy, it’s a good idea to go over the coverage limits and to understand how much coverage will apply in the case of an auto collision.
Why is understanding your policy so important?
If you know your policy well, then you can decide which kinds of coverage you want to be best protected in a collision.
By reviewing your policy, you get a second look at your insurance coverage. You may find that the insurance policy you have in place doesn’t seem like enough coverage if you’re hit by an uninsured or underinsured motorist. You may also find that your policy didn’t have that coverage at all and that you’d like to add it.
Go over different topics with your insurance agent if you’re confused about the coverage. For example, you may ask about the coverage provided with liability insurance versus collision coverage or comprehensive insurance. You may want to talk about adding on personal injury protection, or PIP, insurance at a higher limit or to add on MedPay for additional coverage in a crash.
Your insurance premium may not be as affected as you’d think
When you add additional coverage, you may be surprised at how little your insurance premium changes. You may end up adding only two or three dollars extra to your bill a month while getting at least some additional coverage that really does make a difference if you’re involved in a crash.
The kind of vehicle you drive, your driving record, your age and other factors influence your premium, so it’s worth looking into ways to reduce the cost while maximizing your coverage. Then, in an emergency, you’ll be able to trust that you have the insurance coverage you need to cover your medical care, financial losses and other damages.